CSR Certificate Preparation

CSR Certificate Preparation How do I get the certificate I have purchased? Install the SSL Certificate on cPanel Server

What is CSR? “Certificate Signing Request”. Simply put, this is a request for the SSL certificate we produce on our server. We send the request to the company from which we purchase the SSL certificate, and it issues the certificate that is compatible with our CSR. Thus, the SSL certificate can only work on the server from which the CSR request originated.

  • Login to your cPanel, where you manage the web hosting account. Scroll to the Security pane and click the SSL/TLS icon:

CSR Certificate Preparation

  • At the SSL/TLS page, click Private Keys (KEY) – The system will create a special encryption key with which to manufacture the CSR:

CSR Certificate Preparation

  • select Key Size 2048 bits and click Generate:

CSR Certificate Preparation

  • After clicking Generate, we will get the screen shown below, from which we Return to SSL Manager page from which we started:

CSR Certificate Preparation

  • Click Certificate Signing Requests (CSR):

CSR Certificate Preparation

  • On the next page, we will create the CSR. We’ll specify the domain for which an SSL certificate is required and fill in information about the site. Domain with WWW and domain without WWW are two different things, the certificate will work on only one of them, so choose wisely with which one you want to work:

CSR Certificate Preparation

  • We finished producing CSR! What’s next? Purchase SSL certificate.